Chicago's career coaching specialist, Maggie Finegan

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Take Control of Change

Transitions in life happen for many reasons: they can be due to health, a change in family situation, or a desire to find a vocation that has more meaning and significance. And they can be scary.

Sometimes, it is the fear of change that stymies us and keeps us from transitioning to something that will make us happier. Coaching can address and manage the fear and uncertainty that come along with major life changes, including:

  • What else would I do for my career?

  • Will I get hired for another job?

  • Will someone hire me at my age?

  • Will I be able to make the same amount of money?

  • Will I be happy in my new career after doing all of this work?

  • Do I have the energy to change?


Don’t get stuck doing the box step

Best Steps Coaching Offers

Assessment Tools
Through structured exercises and the use of professional assessment tools, you will quickly uncover your natural skills and personality traits, as well as how those align with your ideal work environment and job description.

Knowledge and Insight
Coaches have deep experience and provide a wealth of knowledge. They bring insight from working in a myriad of work environments and job types. They understand the differences of working in large, mid-sized, or small companies as well as governments and non-profits. And they know the best fit job positions available.

Connections and Skill Building
Experienced coaches help you build skills and confidence when it comes to networking and interviewing. They bring many connections and make introductions to professionals in your intended field or position. These introductions allow you to explore work environments, job descriptions – even salaries – with little or no pressure.

When that invitation to interview for your dream job does come, you will be able to approach it in a relaxed and confident manner, alert to the subtle nuances and messaging during the conversation. You will ask great questions and make a lasting impression. And you won’t waste your time interviewing for jobs that don’t match your preferred work environment or skills.

Finding what you want in life isn’t always easy. Figuring out how to get where you want to go isn’t always clear. Your coach will provide the support and guidance to keep you accountable to your vision. Remember, the ability to have the career you want is within you.

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