Chicago's career coaching specialist, Maggie Finegan

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Group Coaching

Many people prefer to learn and grow in a group with others who are facing similar challenges. Group coaching sessions provide an opportunity to hear different viewpoints and solutions while making connections and enjoying the support of your peers. Groups areĀ  an excellent mirror, reflecting back what has been inside you all along. Facilitated by an experienced professional, group coaching includes structured discussions, opportunities to mastermind among your peers, and a chance to build community while establishing accountability partners to move you ahead with your plan.

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Best Steps also offers seminars. Join our mailing list to find out when and where. Seminars present tools and strategies to help individuals master the transitions in their life and are a great way to meet and network with others looking to better their work life with their inner purpose.

Topics include

  • Find the Path to the Career You Love
  • Networking Your Way to a New Job
  • Best Interviewing Practices
  • Encore Careers
  • Selecting Right Housing Options as You Move Toward Retirement

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We also offer coaching in the following areas: