Chicago's career coaching specialist, Maggie Finegan

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Master the steps to become that person.

There are many ways to think about finding a career you love. We like to compare it to dancing: there are a series of steps you master to make it easy, even enjoyable, to find and land that dream job.

Using proven tools and methods, we help you uncover your passions, understand your strengths, and find the types of jobs and work environments that best suit you. And we’ll give you skills and confidence to be light on your feet as you network and interview.


 Over 70% of people are not passionate about their jobs or their careers.

You don’t have to be one of them.


Live in rhythm with your purpose and your passion.

Don’t be miserable staying in a job that doesn’t nurture you. The path to finding the career you’ve always wanted may not be obvious, but it’s never too late to find clarity and do something you’ve always dreamed of.


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Not sure if a coach is right for you?

Making a career change is daunting. Too often, people retreat to where they are comfortable or settle for what they think they can get. A coach encourages you to dream big and get in touch with your authentic self. They’ll work with you to cut through the uncertainty and find the best match for your skills and personality. And, most importantly, they will keep you accountable to your vision.

Take your next step.